Walking into the stadium
My first day in Peru has been incredible! I woke early and wondered around downtown Lima. While walking around I came across a young girl and her mother chatting outside a small shop. They both started talking to me in Spanish, I was only able to understand the odd word or two! However I then found myself being told to follow the young girl, I followed her to their house and was then asked to wait outside. A few minutes passed. I heard the door open, she appeared along with her older brother, who could speak English. They then took me to a Bull fighting stadium which was closed for the winter. They shouted through the gate and a man appeared, he opened the gate for us. We then wondered around this amazing building! Denilson & Luciana really gave me a welcome to Pure that I will never forget. ❤️🇵🇪
Denilson & Luciana
I have one more day in Lima, then I catch a flight to Cusco. Where I will stay for a few days before moving onto Puno.