This project honors the diversity and inclusivity of the LGBTQ+ community. While society often imposes stereotypes on us, I aimed to challenge and dismantle those assumptions through portraiture. The exhibition was designed to bring together people from all parts of the community, creating a space for them to connect, share stories, and celebrate their identities.
Currently on display at Scarborough Art Gallery [1st Feb – 26th April], this exhibition has sparked important conversations. In response to hateful comments received on media outlets, it was even mentioned in the House of Commons, serving as a powerful demonstration of why exhibitions like this are so vital.
Scarborough, 2024

Palestinian Internatioanl attorney.
October, 2024

This project delved into the universal love for storytelling as a unifying human experience, demonstrating how shared narratives can create connection and understanding. Each participant began with an initial portrait, followed by a meaningful discussion about the role storytelling played in their lives. These conversations often led to the sharing of personal stories, creating a space for authentic connection. At the end of our exchange, I captured a second portrait, revealing how the dialogue had shaped and enriched their presence in front of the camera.
Ithra Cultural Centre, Saudi Arabia. 2024

My sister stands in her garden reflecting on her pregnancy.
Wirral, UK. 2023

Portrait of my sister during her last months of pregnancy with her first child.
Wirral, UK. 2023

Find joy within yourslef.
January, 2025

This is Mahmoud, he’s a fisherman working at the docks. I captured him against a backdrop of netting, as I wanted to represent the tense and chaotic environment in which he works. I believe environments shape people and can show you a lot about a person.
Kuwait City. March 2021

I photographed Maria at her flat in May 2021 (once restrictions in Kuwait had relaxed), this was the first time I’d seen her in over a year. Maria is a personal trainer so her entire life was turned upside down by the pandemic, unable to train with clients face to face. She told me “I've always been lonely, its just the introvert part of me however this helps me be more creative. The pandemic made more introverted and helped me realise that we can't take anything for granted. On the other hand, I feel blessed because I can make plans for the future before I could only dream about them.”
Kuwait. 2021

Collaborating with Tramshed, a community organisation based in Woolwich, I dedicated three days to documenting the incredible group of young talents as they rehearsed and delivered their performance for the prestigious National Theatre Connections festival.
Woolwich, London. April 2023

This is Petrica, he was a lovely chap out to enjoy the evening with his family. I truly believe we should all talk to strangers when we are out and about, see what comes of it. Most of the time a lovely interaction happens and we will always remember that day. Petrica offered me a slice of watermelon. 🍉 I was instantly fixated on the combination of colours in his shirt and watermelon, both were depicting a tropical scene but somehow feeling natural in the landscape of the Peak District.

Portrait of Kuwaiti Interior Designer Meshary AlNassar at his studio in Kuwait City. 2021

Before Jennifer’s time at bazaar Studios, she was a successful fashion/catwalk model. She told me she still carries the burden of that industry with her today. Jen was very open about her time as a model and became very emotional while talking to me about what she had/is still going through. The anxiety and unpredictable nature of the 2020 pandemic triggered her long term relationship with eating disorders partially with bulimia.
Captured here in her bedroom, summer 2021. Kuwait.

Pictured here at 67 years of age, Siraja told us she had a son who was currently living in Lahore. Sadly, he is now addicted to Heroin and has spent all her savings. I travelled to Pakistan to document and capture stories of the 2022 Flooding.

Venturing south of Kuwait near the Saudi boarder I came across Saud and his horse wading through the gulf sea. The sight was majestic and powerful. I asked him “What do you like about Kuwait?”
He replied very quickly with “the community is so small, you can talk to random people and realise you have a mutual friend.”
That is something that I too believe is true, I have met and spoken to some of the most interesting characters while living in Kuwait.

Ashoour a fisherman working at Al-Shamlan Port. Originally from Egypt, near Alexandria, he had been living and working in Kuwait for 2 years at the time of this photograph.
March 2021, Kuwait City.

Placing passers by between two tress on a public beach in Salmiya, I wanted to stop and focus on the people that walk past us unnoticed.
Fahed - a young boy passes and with the consent of his mother he posed for a photograph.
Salmiya, Kuwait. 2021

Collaborating with Tramshed, a community organisation based in Woolwich, I dedicated three days to documenting the incredible group of young talents as they rehearsed and delivered their performance for the prestigious National Theatre Connections festival.
Woolwich, London. April 2023

On a warm September evening at the water’s edge of Ladybower Reservoir, I met Madelina. A Romanian mother who’s been living in Sheffield for 7 years. It was a lovely evening, I had planned to go for a long walk but I got drawn into her family activity. Fishing, Laughing and eating watermelon. Photography, for me, is all about creating connections, learning from others and living in the moment.
Peak District, 2023

In April 2022 I traveled to the North East region of Poland with the Amir Khan Foundation to document Ukrainian people who have fled their home country. Krzysztof and his incredible family were residing at a Catholic shelter on the boarder town of Frombork which is located 7 miles from the Russian Boarder.

A married couple from two completely different continents. Niamh from Northern Ireland and Michael from California, United States.
Both are aspiring comedians with shows previewing at the Edinburgh Fringe. Niamh works for Woolwich Works a local community hub based in Woolwich Arsenal. Michael works for an American software company remotely from his living room.
March 2023

October, 2022

Portrait of an Egyptian man with his KDD stall.
These KDD stalls are an iconic site in Kuwait.

Mariana is a doctor working for the NHS in London. She started her career as a general practitioner in Brazil, her country of origin, before moving to London to practice here.
I spoke with her while capturing this portrait about her time her in United Kingdom, in particular, South East London. She told me it can be lonely, isolating but at the same time exciting.

We often flock to cities in hope of discovering our direction but it is only when we find space that we see our true path.
Hope, Peak District. July, 2023

Singers from the Kuwaiti orchestra wait in a dressing room before their live performance.
January, 2020.

Mehbuba, Zamzam and Noor spent the afternoon on the beach in celebration for Mehbuba’s birthday.
Salmiya, Kuwait. 2021

During the winter months in the Kuwaiti desert, it isn’t uncommon for people to sit in the desert away from the bright lights of the city and watch the stars.

Palestinian Internatioanl attorney.
October, 2024

Pakistan Flood 2022 documentation for Amir Khan Foundation.

On a cold winters day in December I was photographing this children’s play area in the snow. The empty cold playground left me with a disheartened feeling.
Alessia & Sam were walking past so I asked if they would stand in for joint portrait - the portrait still feels lonely even tho they are standing in a place of fun.
Thamesmead. South East London, 2022

Taken inside their home, September 2022.

Taken from my documentation of the 2022 Pakistan Flooding. Nasiah’s home was badly flooded and she was forced to seek help from Amir Khan Foundation emergency packs.
September 2022

Ukrainian sisters.
Poland, 2022

A Ukrainian mother and her son.
Poland, 2022

Working with TUI uniform team in Turkey to capture New Uniform’s for 2023.
Turkey, October 2022.

I met Maria and Nikolas while staying with some friends in the south of Kuwait. They are both Personal Trainers and work for a large gym in Kuwait. I visited them at their apartment a couple of weeks after and asked them how their time has been during the pandemic.
Maria told me “Kuwait is a nice place to work, it can open doors for you. We have made some amazing friends they are more like family to us now, however it was very hard during lockdown for us as we started to feel that we didn’t belong here anymore.”
They adopted Carlito, their dog, during the pandemic. Maria added “He literally saved us.”

Portrait of volunteer for the Amir Khan Foundation.
Pakistan, 2022

A local woman walks her Llama up the mountain waiting for a tourist to ask for a photo.
Peru, 2018

Krzysztof and his son
Poland, 2022

From my project ‘Inspired Not Tired’ commissioned by Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance L&P department. I documented 10 older people who attended programs of music and dance.
This is Genie, she was a Hawaiian living in Deptford, South London.

Anuradha is known by locals as Dijju, which translates to elder sister. She founded human rights charity Maiti Nepal, which has been set up to fight Human Trafficking within Nepal.
Captured here at an event in London which was in honour of her brave work.
London. October, 2022

Capturing Tower Bridge at night for GF Smith.
June, 2023

An evening with Ahmed and his camels.
Salmi Desert, North Kuwait near Iraq Border. 2021

International Cotton Association tade event 2018.

The iconic Salmiya skyline runs along the Arabian Gulf shore line. During my time living and working in Kuwait I took up residence at this building. If you were to see this buildings name on paper you would be tricked into thinking it was a place of opulence, however look a little closer and you start to see the cracks of miss management.

Why do we ask to know a persons age? What are we looking for?
I spoke with Angela for a couple hours, having never met her before our meeting it came apparent we had a connection and spoke in-depth about growing older.
I came to the conclusion that nobody needs to know Angela’s age, they just need to know she is a beautiful human being. One with an anxious heart, hoping for her heyday not to pass.
Thank you Angela x

A married couple from two completely different continents. Niamh from Northern Ireland and Michael from California, United States.
Both are aspiring comedians with shows previewing at Edinburgh Fringe. Niamh works for Woolwich Works a local community hub based in Woolwich Arsenal. Michael works for a American software company remotely from his living room.

Artist, Entrepreneur, Mother.
Portrait taken at her studio in Kuwait City. 2021

I photographed Denilson and his sister Luciana standing over the Bull pens at the Acho bullring. As this was June the bullring was closed to the public, they knew the guard on duty and took me around.

Principal dancer at Teatro alla Scala.
January 2020

Capturing TUI BLU new 2023 uniforms.
Turkey, October 2022.

TUI Blue uniform campaign shoot.
Turkey, 2022.

Kuwait has one of the harshest climates in the world with temperatures topping 50c most summers. Here three camels trek over the scorched landscape.
Salmi Desert, Kuwait. 2021

Rotana. Kuwait City, 2020

Portrait was taken for Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmad Cultural Centre to be used for local poster image.
Kuwait. 2020

Collaborating with Tramshed, a community organisation based in Woolwich, I dedicated three days to documenting the incredible group of young talents as they rehearsed and delivered their performance for the prestigious National Theatre Connections festival.
Woolwich, London. April 2023

Ballet dancer Giorgia Sacher captured here while performing in Giselle at Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmad Cultural Centre in Kuwait.
January. 2020

This portrait is part of a community project supported by the Royal Docks London as part of their summer 2019 Program.
Stripped away from your usual environment you are now isolated from all expectations and prejudices making everyone photographed equal, not even your name will be revealed.
London. 2019

A lone man walks through the fog.
Greenwich, London. 2023

Kuwaiti/Ukrainian Artist
Portrait. 2021

3 miners finish a shift down the mine and start their walk home.
Potosí, Bolivia. June 2018

Owner of Kuwaiti Kiteboarding Center “Soar”.
Kuwait. October, 2020

Portrait was taken for Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmad Cultural Centre to be used for local poster image.
Kuwait. 2020

Ballet dancer Christelle Cenerelli captured here while performing in Giselle at Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmad Cultural Centre in Kuwait.
January. 2020

This project honors the diversity and inclusivity of the LGBTQ+ community. While society often imposes stereotypes on us, I aimed to challenge and dismantle those assumptions through portraiture. The exhibition was designed to bring together people from all parts of the community, creating a space for them to connect, share stories, and celebrate their identities.
Currently on display at Scarborough Art Gallery [1st Feb – 26th April], this exhibition has sparked important conversations. In response to hateful comments received on media outlets, it was even mentioned in the House of Commons, serving as a powerful demonstration of why exhibitions like this are so vital.
Scarborough, 2024
Palestinian Internatioanl attorney.
October, 2024
This project delved into the universal love for storytelling as a unifying human experience, demonstrating how shared narratives can create connection and understanding. Each participant began with an initial portrait, followed by a meaningful discussion about the role storytelling played in their lives. These conversations often led to the sharing of personal stories, creating a space for authentic connection. At the end of our exchange, I captured a second portrait, revealing how the dialogue had shaped and enriched their presence in front of the camera.
Ithra Cultural Centre, Saudi Arabia. 2024
My sister stands in her garden reflecting on her pregnancy.
Wirral, UK. 2023
Portrait of my sister during her last months of pregnancy with her first child.
Wirral, UK. 2023
Find joy within yourslef.
January, 2025
This is Mahmoud, he’s a fisherman working at the docks. I captured him against a backdrop of netting, as I wanted to represent the tense and chaotic environment in which he works. I believe environments shape people and can show you a lot about a person.
Kuwait City. March 2021
I photographed Maria at her flat in May 2021 (once restrictions in Kuwait had relaxed), this was the first time I’d seen her in over a year. Maria is a personal trainer so her entire life was turned upside down by the pandemic, unable to train with clients face to face. She told me “I've always been lonely, its just the introvert part of me however this helps me be more creative. The pandemic made more introverted and helped me realise that we can't take anything for granted. On the other hand, I feel blessed because I can make plans for the future before I could only dream about them.”
Kuwait. 2021
Collaborating with Tramshed, a community organisation based in Woolwich, I dedicated three days to documenting the incredible group of young talents as they rehearsed and delivered their performance for the prestigious National Theatre Connections festival.
Woolwich, London. April 2023
This is Petrica, he was a lovely chap out to enjoy the evening with his family. I truly believe we should all talk to strangers when we are out and about, see what comes of it. Most of the time a lovely interaction happens and we will always remember that day. Petrica offered me a slice of watermelon. 🍉 I was instantly fixated on the combination of colours in his shirt and watermelon, both were depicting a tropical scene but somehow feeling natural in the landscape of the Peak District.
Portrait of Kuwaiti Interior Designer Meshary AlNassar at his studio in Kuwait City. 2021
Before Jennifer’s time at bazaar Studios, she was a successful fashion/catwalk model. She told me she still carries the burden of that industry with her today. Jen was very open about her time as a model and became very emotional while talking to me about what she had/is still going through. The anxiety and unpredictable nature of the 2020 pandemic triggered her long term relationship with eating disorders partially with bulimia.
Captured here in her bedroom, summer 2021. Kuwait.
Pictured here at 67 years of age, Siraja told us she had a son who was currently living in Lahore. Sadly, he is now addicted to Heroin and has spent all her savings. I travelled to Pakistan to document and capture stories of the 2022 Flooding.
Venturing south of Kuwait near the Saudi boarder I came across Saud and his horse wading through the gulf sea. The sight was majestic and powerful. I asked him “What do you like about Kuwait?”
He replied very quickly with “the community is so small, you can talk to random people and realise you have a mutual friend.”
That is something that I too believe is true, I have met and spoken to some of the most interesting characters while living in Kuwait.
Ashoour a fisherman working at Al-Shamlan Port. Originally from Egypt, near Alexandria, he had been living and working in Kuwait for 2 years at the time of this photograph.
March 2021, Kuwait City.
Placing passers by between two tress on a public beach in Salmiya, I wanted to stop and focus on the people that walk past us unnoticed.
Fahed - a young boy passes and with the consent of his mother he posed for a photograph.
Salmiya, Kuwait. 2021
Collaborating with Tramshed, a community organisation based in Woolwich, I dedicated three days to documenting the incredible group of young talents as they rehearsed and delivered their performance for the prestigious National Theatre Connections festival.
Woolwich, London. April 2023
On a warm September evening at the water’s edge of Ladybower Reservoir, I met Madelina. A Romanian mother who’s been living in Sheffield for 7 years. It was a lovely evening, I had planned to go for a long walk but I got drawn into her family activity. Fishing, Laughing and eating watermelon. Photography, for me, is all about creating connections, learning from others and living in the moment.
Peak District, 2023
In April 2022 I traveled to the North East region of Poland with the Amir Khan Foundation to document Ukrainian people who have fled their home country. Krzysztof and his incredible family were residing at a Catholic shelter on the boarder town of Frombork which is located 7 miles from the Russian Boarder.
A married couple from two completely different continents. Niamh from Northern Ireland and Michael from California, United States.
Both are aspiring comedians with shows previewing at the Edinburgh Fringe. Niamh works for Woolwich Works a local community hub based in Woolwich Arsenal. Michael works for an American software company remotely from his living room.
March 2023
October, 2022
Portrait of an Egyptian man with his KDD stall.
These KDD stalls are an iconic site in Kuwait.
Mariana is a doctor working for the NHS in London. She started her career as a general practitioner in Brazil, her country of origin, before moving to London to practice here.
I spoke with her while capturing this portrait about her time her in United Kingdom, in particular, South East London. She told me it can be lonely, isolating but at the same time exciting.
We often flock to cities in hope of discovering our direction but it is only when we find space that we see our true path.
Hope, Peak District. July, 2023
Singers from the Kuwaiti orchestra wait in a dressing room before their live performance.
January, 2020.
Mehbuba, Zamzam and Noor spent the afternoon on the beach in celebration for Mehbuba’s birthday.
Salmiya, Kuwait. 2021
During the winter months in the Kuwaiti desert, it isn’t uncommon for people to sit in the desert away from the bright lights of the city and watch the stars.
Palestinian Internatioanl attorney.
October, 2024
Pakistan Flood 2022 documentation for Amir Khan Foundation.
On a cold winters day in December I was photographing this children’s play area in the snow. The empty cold playground left me with a disheartened feeling.
Alessia & Sam were walking past so I asked if they would stand in for joint portrait - the portrait still feels lonely even tho they are standing in a place of fun.
Thamesmead. South East London, 2022
Taken inside their home, September 2022.
Taken from my documentation of the 2022 Pakistan Flooding. Nasiah’s home was badly flooded and she was forced to seek help from Amir Khan Foundation emergency packs.
September 2022
Ukrainian sisters.
Poland, 2022
A Ukrainian mother and her son.
Poland, 2022
Working with TUI uniform team in Turkey to capture New Uniform’s for 2023.
Turkey, October 2022.
I met Maria and Nikolas while staying with some friends in the south of Kuwait. They are both Personal Trainers and work for a large gym in Kuwait. I visited them at their apartment a couple of weeks after and asked them how their time has been during the pandemic.
Maria told me “Kuwait is a nice place to work, it can open doors for you. We have made some amazing friends they are more like family to us now, however it was very hard during lockdown for us as we started to feel that we didn’t belong here anymore.”
They adopted Carlito, their dog, during the pandemic. Maria added “He literally saved us.”
Portrait of volunteer for the Amir Khan Foundation.
Pakistan, 2022
A local woman walks her Llama up the mountain waiting for a tourist to ask for a photo.
Peru, 2018
Krzysztof and his son
Poland, 2022
From my project ‘Inspired Not Tired’ commissioned by Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance L&P department. I documented 10 older people who attended programs of music and dance.
This is Genie, she was a Hawaiian living in Deptford, South London.
Anuradha is known by locals as Dijju, which translates to elder sister. She founded human rights charity Maiti Nepal, which has been set up to fight Human Trafficking within Nepal.
Captured here at an event in London which was in honour of her brave work.
London. October, 2022
Capturing Tower Bridge at night for GF Smith.
June, 2023
An evening with Ahmed and his camels.
Salmi Desert, North Kuwait near Iraq Border. 2021
International Cotton Association tade event 2018.
The iconic Salmiya skyline runs along the Arabian Gulf shore line. During my time living and working in Kuwait I took up residence at this building. If you were to see this buildings name on paper you would be tricked into thinking it was a place of opulence, however look a little closer and you start to see the cracks of miss management.
Why do we ask to know a persons age? What are we looking for?
I spoke with Angela for a couple hours, having never met her before our meeting it came apparent we had a connection and spoke in-depth about growing older.
I came to the conclusion that nobody needs to know Angela’s age, they just need to know she is a beautiful human being. One with an anxious heart, hoping for her heyday not to pass.
Thank you Angela x
A married couple from two completely different continents. Niamh from Northern Ireland and Michael from California, United States.
Both are aspiring comedians with shows previewing at Edinburgh Fringe. Niamh works for Woolwich Works a local community hub based in Woolwich Arsenal. Michael works for a American software company remotely from his living room.
Artist, Entrepreneur, Mother.
Portrait taken at her studio in Kuwait City. 2021
I photographed Denilson and his sister Luciana standing over the Bull pens at the Acho bullring. As this was June the bullring was closed to the public, they knew the guard on duty and took me around.
Principal dancer at Teatro alla Scala.
January 2020
Capturing TUI BLU new 2023 uniforms.
Turkey, October 2022.
TUI Blue uniform campaign shoot.
Turkey, 2022.
Kuwait has one of the harshest climates in the world with temperatures topping 50c most summers. Here three camels trek over the scorched landscape.
Salmi Desert, Kuwait. 2021
Rotana. Kuwait City, 2020
Portrait was taken for Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmad Cultural Centre to be used for local poster image.
Kuwait. 2020
Collaborating with Tramshed, a community organisation based in Woolwich, I dedicated three days to documenting the incredible group of young talents as they rehearsed and delivered their performance for the prestigious National Theatre Connections festival.
Woolwich, London. April 2023
Ballet dancer Giorgia Sacher captured here while performing in Giselle at Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmad Cultural Centre in Kuwait.
January. 2020
This portrait is part of a community project supported by the Royal Docks London as part of their summer 2019 Program.
Stripped away from your usual environment you are now isolated from all expectations and prejudices making everyone photographed equal, not even your name will be revealed.
London. 2019
A lone man walks through the fog.
Greenwich, London. 2023
Kuwaiti/Ukrainian Artist
Portrait. 2021
3 miners finish a shift down the mine and start their walk home.
Potosí, Bolivia. June 2018
Owner of Kuwaiti Kiteboarding Center “Soar”.
Kuwait. October, 2020
Portrait was taken for Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmad Cultural Centre to be used for local poster image.
Kuwait. 2020
Ballet dancer Christelle Cenerelli captured here while performing in Giselle at Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmad Cultural Centre in Kuwait.
January. 2020